MVP Mobile App

Urban Outdoors

What it is

We built a fully native mobile app MVP in just 6 days using no-code.  We framed this build with a fully spec’d product roadmap (1 week) and tight QA process (2 weeks).

How it works

We completed this build in 4 stages over the course of 1 month end-to-end.

Phase 1 : Strategy

  • Function → Create a detailed, prioritized product roadmap with clear User Flows, Sitemap, Unit Tests and spec’d Features.
  • Solution → Notion and Figma

Phase 2 : UX

  • Function → Build the front-end UX of every scoped screen in the app.
  • Solution → Adalo

Phase 3 : Beta

  • Function → Build the back-end database to power all Features for the MVP.
  • Solution → Adalo
  • Note: Phase 2 & 3 were completed concurrently in 6 days.

Phase 4 : Launch

  • Function → Polish the UI & copy as well as launch the app for first users!
  • Solution → Adalo

In addition, we also created a User Testing Guide and are leading the first 5 user testing sessions to best iterate on the product strategy for future releases.

Don’t just take our word for it

We decided to go with a no-code MVP after having many conversations with full stack development contractors. Dev agencies were quoting us 6 months and $70,000+ for our mobile app MVP.  The Dream Lab promised 6 weeks at a fraction of the cost.  They delivered in 4 weeks.

As an early-stage, non-technical founder, Tomas and John broke down every step of the development process into easy, simple terms. They helped with scoping, building, beta testing, and handoff to our team - a thorough process from idea to launch. I’d highly recommend The Dream Lab to any founders wanting to build a market-ready product quickly and affordably.